INNER LINE PERMIT (ILP) FOR DOMESTIC TOURISTS. A word of caution since the entire Arunachal Pradesh falls under restricted area due to sensitive & strategically important border with neighbouring countries as such official permission from Government of Arunachal Pradesh is required to enter the state, therefore all the visitors other than the native of Arunachal Pradesh are required to obtain an inner line Permit (ILP) to enter Arunachal Pradesh. ILP related detail informations/issues can be accessed in the website for the information to the tourist. As the permit is granted as a routine for the tourists therefore it should not deter the tourist coming to Arunachal Pradesh. Inner Line Permits are generally issued by the Secretary (Political) Government of Arunachal Pradesh for the entire State but respective Deputy Commissioners and Additional Deputy Commissioners are also empowered to issue such permits in their respective Districts. ILPs can also be obtained from Resident Commissioner’s office/Deputy Resident Commissioner and Liaison officer’s offices as mentioned below:- The Resident Commissioner office,Govt of Arunachal Pradesh, Kautilya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi , 011-23792895/23013915 The Deputy Resident Commissioner office, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh, CE-109/110, Sector-1 Salt Lake,Kolkata 700064, 033-23213627/23593097 Deputy Residence Commissioner office,Guwahati,Govt of Arunachal Pradesh, Arunachal […]